Posts Tagged ‘ woodblock etchings ’

New Works On Show


If you’re in Brisbane (The Valley/New Farm to be exact) this Friday night, then at Doggett St Gallery is a group Christmas show that I’m a part of. I have three new woodblock etchings and one coloured Woodcut. The show is for 24hrs only, starts at 6pm Friday and should you wish to purchase something, you can take it home from 8pm that night. Cool huh!

There’s some awesome artists also showing and just as the title infers, all works are 30cm by 30cm or smaller.
Might See you there 🙂

All Creatures Big & Small

In a few weeks time I’m going to be part of christmas show at a local gallery that I like a lot called Doggett St Gallery. Their annual christmas group show is always themed around all of the images being no more than 30x30cm (12×12 inches) in size. I’ve been going to these shows for some years now but this is going to be the first time I’ve ever been a part of one.

I tried one block recently only to realise that it was going to be to big, so I set myself a challenge to try to do a woodblock etching or something as close as I could get to one seeing as I’ve only done woodcuts up til now. I got my hands on three end rounds of Qld Maple that were between 15 and 20cm in diameter and off I went.

The first one I tried turned out all right, if not a little messy (or freehand) for what I was hoping. The second one I tried turned out much better and last Saturday I sat down and designed up one last one in what became a themed series of the sea. On Sunday I had lunch, sat down and four hours later I had this block of a turtle in stormy seas:


I was quite happy with how it turned out and not to make a big deal out of it, the thing that made me so pleased is that a bit over a year ago I tried to do a turtle to the best of my ability and… well I kinda failed at it as far as I was concerned (at the time).


Now after printing my new turtle I made some adjustments and added some lines so that he/she sat down in the water a bit more. This is the final print:


I know it might not be christmasy but that’s not really bothering me at the moment. I’m just happy to have succeeded on a block so small. However now I’m back to starting something large again, more animals, only twice the size of these.

Not long now…

If feels like the art show that gave birth to this blog has been in the making for so long. Well it kind of has. The idea was born back in February of which only half the items in the show were made.

But I’m really looking forward to all my friends (and a few strangers) seeing what I’ve done. I’m equal parts elated and scared at the prospect of putting myself on display (without a drumkit to hide behind).

The first item I made was this (in July 2008):


The last Item made that’s going to be shown was made last Friday/Saturday/Sunday:

Salute 2

of which I made an edition of 10 prints (2 of them are already sold):

Salute 1

In between those two, I’ve got 33 other pieces on show, some of them littered throughout this blog.

I handmade 5 books documenting 12 months of what I’ve done (again, two of them are already sold), a 7 inch cover, four skateboards and all manner of things. If I haven’t already told you, it’s mainly going to be the woodblocks I have on show – a bit of a faupar seeing it’s traditionally meant to be about the print, but hey, it’s my party, I’ll do as I please! There will be about 7 or 8 prints on show but all bar 2 are in editions of 1 or 2. So to the folks who have asked if I’ll have plenty of print editions availabe, the answer is no.

The Nine Lives crew have informed me that the gallery will be open from lunchtime Friday 17th with the launch part starting at 6pm. The gallery will be open both Saturday and Sunday but the show is only around for three days.

Once the show is over I will most likely put pics of everything up here but to be honest, they look so much better in real life. It’s cool when you can run your fingers over the blocks and feel all the detail.

Anyway, I hope to see everyone next week. Check out this photo that was taken for a article in the paper. Boy oh boy, aren’t we the serious artist (NOT). 😉

Promo 1