Posts Tagged ‘ Impress Printmakers ’

Woodcut Workshop Sunday 28th August.

It’s a bit late notice but I am holding a workshop this coming Sunday at the Impress Studio out at Camp Hill. I will be running through various woodcut techniques and printing methods and getting folks to try their hand at making some relief prints of their own. It will be from 10am-4pm and one or two places are still available.

Follow this LINK to find out more and book a place.

Woodcut demonstration at the Home Festival


Next Saturday I’m going to be at the Home Festival as part of the local printmaking collective Impress. Click on the image above to go to their website and read the full program of events and workshops happening on the day.

As for my part in all of this, I’ll be showing how woodcuts are carved, giving demonstrations of the printing process and letting people try their hand at printing a woodcut. I’ll be there all day – I’d love to see you if you get a chance to drop in.

I’m currently going through my prints and will most likely have a few available for purchase on the day.





In other news of coming events. I’m in the process of organising an upcoming art show which will be me with my good friend Murdoch Stafford. This will be happening early June at Nine Lives Gallery in Fortitude Valley. It will feature new works of a very different nature from me as well as a woodcut project that I’ve been working on since June last year. Stay tuned over the next few weeks for more details!