Posts Tagged ‘ mexican bingo cards ’

South Of The Border – East Of The City

I don’t head down to James St in the valley often enough. This is my loss seeing as that means I don’t get to go hang out at Jamie’s Espresso nearly as much as I’d like to. Jamie, Carmella, Bo and the lovely ladies who work there are a super bunch.

Well I’d like to thank them for giving me the best reason to go hang there during the month of May as some of my woodcuts will be adorning their walls. This will be a preview of sorts of new works leading up to my solo show in a couple of weeks (just down the road at Ksubi).

Painting El Pajaro

Here is me putting the finishing touches of paint to a print that will be hanging there. I’ve gone and expanded on a series of prints I started in the summer of 2011/2012 of Mexican Loteria cards.

Loteria: is the Spanish word for lottery. Loteria is a Latin American game of chance, similar to bingo but using images on a deck of cards instead of plain numbers on ping-pong balls. The deck is composed of a set of 54 different images, each one in a card.

To start the game, the caller randomly selects a card from the deck and announces it to the players by its name, sometimes using a riddle instead of reading the card name. The players with a matching pictogram on their board mark it off with a chip or other kind of marker such as small rocks or pinto beans. The first player with four chips in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row, a squared pattern or fills the tabla first shouts “Lotería!” (Lottery!) and is the winner.

The Prints will be hanging at Jamie’s from this Thursday 2nd May and I will be hanging out at Jamie’s Thurdsday night from around 5pm if you want to come down and check it all out/catch up/have a chat!

In the real world Jamie’s is at 49 James Street, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane. In the not so real world, Jamie’s can also be found here:

My Year In Woodcuts

This was 2012…




El Corazon

El Corazon

El Nopal

El Nopal


Lee Van Cleef



Eye Spy




Sk8 Or Die (I Used To Skate Once 7)



Guitar Print Framed

Giant Sounds (Woodcuts from a guitar)



Thanatos Pt.1


Thanatos Pt.2


Thanatos Pt.3


Salute #3



Human Warhead


Tall Ship 2012 AP

Tall Ship (Mk.3)



A Spiders Home


SLW Test print

Do Something – Sol Le Witt

Music Box

Music Box


Currawong 2012


Balancing Act

Balancing Act (detail)

WalkMeIntoOblivion(Gira AP)

Walk Me Into Oblivion ( A Tribute To Michael Gira)

And some of them even made it here: ETSY SHOP

…here’s to 2013!

It was a good year!

Too much working on art… not enough blogging about art. Oh well, thanks for keeping up with my periodical updates about what I’m up to.

Christmas time means more time spent at home which doesn’t equate to lying around relaxing. No it has meant more time to do more carving and printing of which I’ve been trying new things and resurrecting old favourites.

This is a close up of a piece I finished last week. I’d show you the whole print but I don’t want to do that just yet – some things need to be kept secret, at least for a little while. This print (which I’ve titled ‘Balancing Act’) was a large and challenging print for me at a metre squared. From trying to capture fine detail on Marine plywood to creating a mottled and vivid coloured background – which has turned into a series of monoprint styled inkings – what I planned to do and what I ended up doing has changed constantly. I wanted to add fine text to the print too, 3mm lettering to be exact. I tried my letterpress – didn’t work. I tried writing the text on – didn’t work. I tried alphabet stickers – didn’t work. Nothing gave me the effect I wanted. Then I remembered the ancient technology of Letraset.  No stationary stores had any anymore. The fellow at Officeworks said he’d not ever heard of the stuff. My outdated technology was proving elusive. Finally at a discount art supplies store I found several packets of what I was looking for. 10 hours and several sessions later and the print now had its text. So far it’s an edition of two, we’ll see if that number increases anytime in 2013.

Balancing Act

With the delays in the previous print, I spent a few days getting distracted with this one. When in doubt of what to do next… do another print of my Currawongs! Well, they’re not mine but they do come and sing and sit in the tree over the back deck every day and I’ve grown fond of their visits. Here are some that I have  previously done of them. It is a two block print (20 x 30cm) with the branch hand coloured in gouache. This one is not editioned as I pretty much did it for myself so it’s a one-off.

Currawong 2012

Back in 2011 I did some Mexican themed woodcuts. Recently the original print of the one below left me to go to a new home. Leaving me with the task of re-printing and painting some new prints. I made two and spent a good few hours again battling with the gouache to get the colours I wanted – mint green being a real bugger to nail down. Still I got it and am happy with how they’ve turned out!

El Corazon

And going way, way back. In 2009 I surprised even myself with my attempt at creating a realistic woodcut of two owls. I originally wanted it to be full colour and I even tried once with watercolours (my first attempt at hand-painting a woodcut) but I ruined the paper and it didn’t work out – and so the owls stayed black and white.  A few weeks ago, out of the blue, I decided I wanted to try to have a seconds shot at the owls. Now armed with a much better knowledge of paper, gouache and printing techniques, it was a lot less ominous a task and with a four-hour painting session one morning – I completed my two owls just as I had originally intended. Somehow though I think this print is still not finished… only time will tell on that one though.


So that’s how I’ve ended my year. Apart from two small group shows it has been me and my carving tools at the kitchen table. I do think that I now almost have enough to have a solo art show in 2013. Putting on art shows is way harder than making art if you ask me so it still could be months away. I’ll start the wheels in motion though for something in at least Brisbane and Melbourne.

Also, if you’re like me and don’t check the blogs as reguarly as you’d like, you will also find photos, updates and snippets of what I’m doing on facebook. is where I hide so if you like anything here, you can go like it there as well.

Thanks to everyone who has bought, looked at or gave me feedback on my woodcuts over the last year.