Posts Tagged ‘ Bo Stahlman ’

group SHOW this week!

This is coming up this Friday night.

So many great friends and great artists are a part of this. Nothing hi-brow, just a lot of good people having a good time. Come be a part of it!

As for me? I’ll have something old, something new, something red and this one below in blue.

Heinz’s 7-inch Launch At Doggett St Studios

Here’s some photos from the art launch of Heinz Reigler’s 7-inch launch at Doggett Street Studio. The show is on for another week.

The closest ones have my cover art.

John says “Give me that one”!

It’s Emma’s portrait that I turned into a woodcut for Heinz’s record. Emma is still as modest about it as she was when I first started.

(clockwise from left) Me, Bo, Stephen, Heinz. Bo and Stephen were the other two artists who contributed artwork.

Us with Darren who was also was a huge help in getting the record released.

Good times.